Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Kids say the darndest things

There's a family of children that another adult and I take home each week. We sometimes stop by a pond on the way home to throw some old bread in to the ducks and geese. These are the kind of kids whose mom is never wondering where they are when they're 30 minutes later than usual getting home.

We stopped by the pond recently and the kids were throwing bread in the water and we were all chatting and singing camp songs when one of the little girls asked, "is that grease in the water?" The other adult with me (Ms. Vickie) explained that it's either algae, pollen or a combination of both. The young girl seemed satisfied.

A few minutes later we were all talking and the girl had a few more questions and then she became very confused with the answers since we were all talking at once and she asked, "how do you know the grease is Canadian?" and her sister said, "it's not Canadian grease....it's Canadian GEESE!" Her brother then chimed in and said, "they're not Canadian geese, they're Cuban geese." A bit puzzled Ms. Vickie looked at the child and said, "what makes you think those geese are Cuban geese?" The boy told her that he thought they were Cuban because they could swim!!!!!!!!! Once I collected myself I asked him about it and he said that he learned about it in school.


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