Monday, July 25, 2011

Do For One

I subscribe to the Andy Stanley leadership podcast that comes out about once a month.

A few months ago the podcast was called "Do For One" and the premise is that you can't spend all your time with everyone in ministry so do for you what you wish you could do for all.

Andy and I have been trying to put this into practice as we are walking through discipleship with a few people.

A 14 year old teenager came to stay with us for a week this past week. Shy has a really hard home life and doesn't really have any concept of what the future is going to be for her. She's a good, smart girl, but needs some direction. We've been loving on her for about a year and a half now and it's a blessing to be a part of her life and to watch her grow spiritually.

She spent most of the week with me in the office helping out, which she says she enjoyed, and then after work I would take her around to experience Atlanta. I think it was good for her to see that people get up for work every morning and do something. She was also involved in the church services during the week and helped me put the mid-week service together. At home she sits around the house and cares for her eight (!) younger siblings. Another baby is due in November...

On Friday night we made chocolate chip cookies from scratch. It was her first time reading a recipe and it was fun teaching her fractions with the measuring cups. The cookies came out good and it was a blessed time.

I tucked her in every night and prayed with her. Something she's never had before. It was simple and nice.

We had a few good, deep conversations during the week about her testimony (she struggles with sharing it) and about her future. She isn't used to having people care about what she thinks and having attention. We walked to the chapel here on campus and I spent a good amount of time praying with her. The tears flowed and I told her that she was loved and that God has a plan and a purpose for her life.

We also spoiled her...but what would you expect?

God's love is like that. Simple yet so desperately needed. We are both thankful that we can love on people, even if it is just one at a time.

Will you do for one what you wish you could do for all?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I've been filling in teaching the Commissioner's Bible class for the past few weeks and have been thoroughly enjoying it.

Last night, with excellent discussion, I made some notes on the dry erase board.

This morning when I came into work I attempted to clean the board only the markings wouldn't budge. And then it hit me.....I USED A PERMANENT MARKER!!! Sure enough I went and grabbed the marker I used last night and it was a permanent red marker. The casing of the marker (made by Pentel) is EXACTLY the same as the dry erase board markers that I have. I am that fool that used the permanent marker on a dry erase board.

Thanks to google I quickly learned that if you trace over the permanent marker with the correct dry erase marker it all comes off the board. Shytacia is doing that as we speak and I am THANKFUL. (Did I mention it's a really nice dry erase board, two-sided, on wheels, that I borrowed from the clinic here in the building?).

What a perfect opportunity for an object lesson...sometimes we think our sin is permanent, but Jesus can erase it away!

John 1:29
The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!

Friday, July 15, 2011

My average day at work

This morning I had a morning meeting and devotions with our 133 men plus some employees at 7:00am.

From there it was on to the dock at the warehouse...time to make the men work!

After that I went to sit in the air condition in our dispatch/phone room to take a short break when a man asked me a deep theological question about baptism. This led into a discussion with many questions directed at me. Good thing Captain Kim said in training, "We are all theologians."

Then back out to the disciplining a few listening to a man who is struggling with his reviewing our program for Sunday's tracking down a few men who missed class last night...etc, etc.

All day I went back and forth from the "practical" ministry to the more "priestly" or "ministerial" tasks of my responsibilities.

This is my calling. I love it. Social gospel. Kingdom-honoring. Making a difference one man at a time--in the trenches.

A good, hard day.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Today was a good day. I worked very hard and am extremely tired, but I'm happy. God is so good and I am appreciating how blessed I am.

I've been in what Andy is calling a "nesting" mood lately. I'm knitting our baby a sweater and blanket (pictures to follow), have been on a cooking/baking spree, and have decided to re-decorate our apartment. I bought a few things to decorate the baby's room and have rearranged pictures everywhere else.

We went on a date on Saturday night to see a movie. I'm not a big movie theater fan but it was exactly what I needed. I ate way too much popcorn, but we had an enjoyable time. I love him.

We had some friends over for a cookout on the 4th of July followed by fireworks at my office. The building is a great location to watch the main fireworks in downtown Atlanta. It was a nice, relaxed time. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Oh yeah, I cooked and baked for that, too!

Andy came to help me with mid-week chapel tonight at the Center. We sang several praise and worship songs and had an extended prayer time. It was such a blessing to hear several of the men just open their hearts and pray. It's amazing to me how God can use and work through anyone--anyone. We had drug dealers, drug addicts, ex-convicts, pimps, and otherwise shady characters BEFORE grace pouring their hearts out to God. I love it. He is STILL redeeming people.

Anyway--I'm blessed and so thankful.