Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Re-start button

Anyone ever wish they had a re-start button...for life...for the day...for something in your life?

I do.

I believe that God has blessed me with much and I am grateful. I don't think I want to re-start my life.

But maybe a re-start to a day every now and again would be a good thing.

Especially when I'm tired, frustrated, and feel like the weight of the entire world is on my shoulders and I have to carry it all.

I suppose some call that stress.

I call it high responsibility.

It's at these times that I am reminded of how much I am in need of a savior, a way to relax, and an outlet like this.

Our first Christmas in Murfreesboro is going well. Smoothly. But we are super, super, busy.

Opening a thrift store in the middle of Christmas was quite ambitious of me and we will get through it but every now and again I need a re-start button.

Before the sun rises I am wide awake, showered and ready to go. My mind wakes my up running with all of the things that need to be done. And I want to get them all done in that instant. I get frustrated that places aren't open at 6am so that I can call.

 This morning when this happened I wanted to shut my mind down and not go back to sleep, but spend some time in prayer and meditation with the LORD.

But I couldn't.


My prayer for tonight is a re-start button for the morning to be focused on quality time with my LORD.