Friday, July 15, 2011

My average day at work

This morning I had a morning meeting and devotions with our 133 men plus some employees at 7:00am.

From there it was on to the dock at the warehouse...time to make the men work!

After that I went to sit in the air condition in our dispatch/phone room to take a short break when a man asked me a deep theological question about baptism. This led into a discussion with many questions directed at me. Good thing Captain Kim said in training, "We are all theologians."

Then back out to the disciplining a few listening to a man who is struggling with his reviewing our program for Sunday's tracking down a few men who missed class last night...etc, etc.

All day I went back and forth from the "practical" ministry to the more "priestly" or "ministerial" tasks of my responsibilities.

This is my calling. I love it. Social gospel. Kingdom-honoring. Making a difference one man at a time--in the trenches.

A good, hard day.

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