Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 30 + 1

Yesterday was day 30. Things are going well.

I have entertained a few things over the past week which include running a half marathon or re-introducing interval training into my exercise routine.

The main problem with running is that it's difficult to get running time outside since I can't run in my neighborhood and it's really, very extremely hot here. I don't do well in the heat, particularly when I am running.

I have done interval training before and I still do it when I ride the stationary bike. Introducing it more regularly into my "routine" would break the monotony up a bit and may start to yield results...I still look the same. Perhaps I always will.

Eating has been going well. I made gazpacho from scratch last night and have been eating lots of fruits and veggies. The gazpacho came out a little spicy but I am going to eat it all (I have like a gallon of it!) because I took the time to actually chop all of the vegetables before they went into the food processor. It's also nice to eat in the heat since it's a cold soup.

Andy and I had an enjoyable time visiting my brother and sister in law in Minneapolis. We saw some spectacular fireworks from the back of their condo building.

I am really enjoying the change of pace of my new job responsibilities and things are just going well. I'm happy which means I can focus on being healthy.

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