Saturday, July 24, 2010

Moving on; needing motivation

My 50 day challenge to lose some wait was a complete bust. I have actually gained a few pounds. I lost motivation somewhere.

I went to the doctor's office yesterday for a check-up on my thyroid. My TSH level is a little higher than it was a few months ago, but still in a good range. This is a praise report. I have stopped stressing about the thyroid.

I haven't, however, stopped stressing about the extra weight I am still putting on. I have gained eleven pounds since the last time I was at the doctor's office. If the thyroid has leveled off something is wrong on my end...

I workout. Granted I haven't in a few days because I've been tired and on the go at the same time. I eat...healthy? I need to get focused again with the eating part of it. Andy and I were talking about it and we came up with some action steps. He's very supportive in all of this and loves me regardless. I'm glad I married him.

This is what I am doing:

1. Run a marathon: there are a few coming up in Atlanta. The one I really want to run is on October 3rd but it isn't realistic. I don't have enough time to train and it's really hot outside. Instead I am shooting for the November one, right before Thanksgiving

2. Join a rock climbing gym: this is something that I have been thinking about for awhile now. It is expensive, but it's something that Andy and I can do together which is great because he HATES working out. We found one near Andy's parents house and took a tour.

3. Portion distortion: When I am home I prefer to cook. I am gone so often that I really do treasure being home and cooking in our tiny kitchenette. When I am not home I am running around way too busy for any sane person. As my adrenaline gets rushing so does my appetite. I need to watch my portions. I grew up in a house where we ate plenty. My dad was afraid we were going to starve so he always cooked for ten people instead of three or four. I do the same thing.

4. Make the extra effort to get to the farmer's market: I love the farmer's market but it's inconvenient. I need to get cash out, make the trek over there, and then make sure I cook up/use the food I bought in a few days....but it's worth it. It's worth the trouble, the expense, and the attention required.

5. Staying motivated: This is vague but important. Andy is helping with this. He's my cheerleader and is a great encourager. He also doesn't take my crap and tells me what I need to hear but more than him I need to motivate myself. He and a friend are going to check in with me to help keep me motivated at least twice a week.

The battle is in my mind. The marathon will be a great motivator and a great mental challenge and the planning of the other things will help.

I am looking forward to all of this and know that God is teaching me a lot through all of this.

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