Friday, October 31, 2008

Friends and Accountability

There is something extra special about having a group of solid like-minded Christian friends. I have a group of them and we get together every week to fellowship and pray. Since we are all girls we occasionally have girl talk. Last night was one such night.

We spoke briefly about eating better and holding each other accountable. We are eager to help support one another in things that have to do with our faith walk, but we are not as eager to tell one another to think before we eat that extra brownie, etc.

I feel challenged to stick to my word about helping to hold my friends accountable not just about faith things, but about physical things too. I am serious about this because I need it for myself. Encouraging one another is beneficial for all of us. The Bible tells us that we are to help build one another up.

Today I am thankful for friends and for the joy they bring.

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