Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sore and tired, but growing

I am sore. I tried a new exercise that I found on-line and printed out. I did this exercise on Sunday and I am still sore. It is a thigh exercise that has you extending your legs while holding free weights over your head. No exercise today unfortunately, but hopefully tomorrow the muscles will be feeling better. Perhaps tomorrow I will be able to walk without so much pain.

This is also a busy week. Sunday was busy, Tuesdays are extremely busy for me and the rest of the week has a lot going on. I am tired. I need a rest.

I can find rest in the Lord and in his word. I tend to be a skeptic about fasting and such, but I am hungry for a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit in my life. By restricting so much of my diet it is forcing me to focus. I read Romans 14 last night and it really made me think about my faith and how weak it really is. I want to have more faith!

My body is weak. Romans 14 told me that my faith is weak. This is day 2 of the fast. Tomorrow is a new day.

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