Thursday, February 25, 2016

Defining "Christian"

Given the traumatic political landscape and current sick and sad situation in our nation (racism in many facets, black injustice, gun violence, unwanted homelessness, food deserts, lack of access to services, etc, etc, etc), and of those who claim to be "Christians," I think it is time for those of us, who also call ourselves "Christians," to define what that actually means.

I am young, but I am supposing that at one point if one needed help in defining what "Christian" meant and did not even know they could go to the Bible (if they had access to one), that one could go to the "Christian Church." Here, the "Christians" within would be able to demonstrate what it meant to be a "Christian" and not just tell  them what it meant to be a "Christian." These "Christian" churches wouldn't lord their wealth and privilege over those who looked and smelled differently than they, or, heaven forbid, those who were born from another country or spoke a different language. All would be welcome into the "Christian" church to explore, have dialogue, and to truly be loved. They would not be shut out and told "no" out of fear, and because of what the consensus of the "Christian" church feels is right is more important than what truly is right.

Or, in the event that there was no "Christian Church" that one could walk into (maybe their signage was bad? Maybe the non-Christian was not welcome? Maybe the non-Christian was a single mom working three jobs and caring for her children that should couldn't make it there on Sunday morning or Wednesday evening? Maybe the non-Christian didn't speak the "Christian" language of "The-Holy-Christian-Church," etc, etc, etc) then the "Christian" neighbor could help them with this. This "Christian" neighbor would be more than just nice, but would be loving and truly concerned for the well-being of this neighbor. This "Christian" would actually not just know the Bible from studying it (given that said "Christian" actually read and studied their Bible...), they would practice the words contained within and demonstrate it in their conduct of character in all facets of life. Perhaps this "Christian" neighbor would invite one into their home to share a meal, or to build relationship, rather than wait for their "Christian Church" (let's just call it "Six Flags over Jesus") to mail out a pretty, expensive flyer telling (inviting?) people that this one "Christian-themed" event is something that they do not want to miss (rather than, you know, the Jesus that "Christians" say they believe in).

Etc, etc.

The media and my social media feeds show me that "Christians" are good at defining what "Christian" is not, so passionately so that "Christians" employ things that are over and against what "Christianity" teaches. This includes "Christian-ized" hate speech, "Christian" anger, "Christian" this and "Christian" that ("Christian" businesses, a "Christian" chamber of commerce, etc, etc).

I think it is high time that the "Christians" define what "Christian" actually is, rather than what it is not. We all know what "Christian" is not right now. But, then, what is it? What is left once the fingers are done being pointed and the shouting has simmered and the political elections are over and people are denied access to the mental health services they so desperately need? Then, what? Anger?...wait, too late...we are already there. Violence?....nope, already there, too.... Death and destruction (the infamous "End Days" rhetoric)...what's left?

Bigger, fancier "Christian churches"? (Quote: "We pay the sheriff's office to direct traffic for us;" meanwhile, ignoring the fact that many DO NOT even have a car, or gas money, or a bus to TAKE THEM to "Christian Church"...but "Christian Church" may pick them up in a bus or van to bring them to the Church. Good luck getting a ride to get your light bill paid on Monday... from the "Christian Church" or the "Christians" who attend).

 A "Christian" culture (ha...that one made me throw up a little) is left in the wake of "Christians"?

Nope, I've got it....smaller "Christian" churches with bi-vocational pastors struggling to make ends meet for their family as they pastor two churches and work a full-time job without even health benefits? Yup, that's what's left.

Even better yet--what's left is people who have no interest, care or concern for anything identified remotely as "Christian" because they've been cold and hungry, physically and spiritually, one too many times. I'm on to something. The "Christians" have won. They have gotten what they want. Privilege, "God's favor," economic security...the untouchables have been pushed out because, after all, that's truly what "Christian" means--defending and protecting me and mine for the sake of saving "Christian" to return our "NATION TO ITS ORIGINAL GLORY." I, mean, at least we still pray and then recite the pledge of allegiance, right? (ha!--and, hold on--what happened to the model that Jesus guy did or showed or whatever he did with those beautiful blue eyes he MUST have had because it is in all of iconic paintings of "Christian").

Unfortunately, this probably means "we" (whoever "we" are) can no longer call ourselves "Christians" as the term has been too lax to include to wide a variety of nonsense that truly is not the essence of "Christian." Just because things appear to be "Christian" does not mean it/they are. This includes people (political candidates included), institutions, or a brand of clothing or shoes (I know, I went there...paying more for it and wearing it because it is "Christian" is a good marketing scheme. Jesus didn't wear it and it only separates the privilege that some "Christians" have over others. Shop at a Salvation Army Family Store instead and tithe the rest of the money (albeit I'm biased to the Salvation Army)).

Maybe "Followers of the Way" or "Jesus Folk" or a cute, trendy, post-modern, hipster, millennial term that someone more hip than I could conjure up? Because, after all, that's truly what "Christian" is...hip and trendy...modern...

I am a ragamuffin follower of Jesus Christ. Screwed up with many imperfections and rough patches. But I love my LORD. I'm not empty, but being filled. I'm not standing still, but moving forward and making progress. I'm not the same that I used to be, nor do I want to be. But I DO NOT want to be labeled a "Christian."

This isn't an us versus them sort of thing. This hurts my heart. For my many friends who are not "Christians," I, personally, am so very sorry. I do not contain the words to express how mortified I am within my being on so many levels for what "Christians" and the "Christian Church" has done and will probably continue to do. I have purposely not included "Christian" scripture in this post because, after all, even that, too, has been misinterpreted as "Christian."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can understand your frustrations, but the church is Christ's bride, the vehicle in which He chose to bring the Gospel to the world. It is far from perfect because its full of people. The name Christian bears Christ's own name. I too become weary of prosperity gospel and man made righteousness but it is a Christian's duty to be part of a solution not give up on the church. Paul spent alot of his ministry addressing problems in the church. We must not grow weary. The Bible addresses church discipline as well and clearly most churches do not apply it. Im kind of opposite i think the US church is too seeker sensitive and too little Gospel driven.