Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dairy free is for me

There are some things in life that just aren't fair. Being lactose intolerant is one of those things-especially for me as I really enjoy eating cheese, ice cream, and other fine dairy oriented foods.

I had a visit to my new doctor in Atlanta today and we discussed lactose intolerance and it made me think a little bit about how we all have something that reminds us of how human we really are and how dependent we need to be on the LORD. I am not saying that being lactose intolerant is all that serious compared to what many others have to live with, but it is inconvenient and serves as a reminder every time I eat cheese or ice cream that my body is not perfect. It makes me rely on the LORD just a little bit more and reminds me that I need to be thankful for my otherwise good health.

There are ways around not eating dairy. I take a calcium supplement, use soy milk when I am making something just for me, and take a pill for those times when I just HAVE to have some cheese. Being conscience about what I am eating is a positive thing. Our bodies really are the temple of the LORD and we need to take care of them. Spending a few extra dollars occasionally or passing up on the string cheese (so sad, I know!) really is in my best interest.

Thank you LORD for making me me--dairy free and all!.

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