Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Cost of Discipleship: Revenge

The followers of Jesus live for His sake. They renounce every personal right.

"The only way to overcome evil is to let it run its course so that it does not find the resistance it is looking for. Resistance merely creates further evil and adds fuel to the flames. But when evil meets no opposition and encounters no obstacle but only patient endurance, its sting is drawn, and at last it meets an opponent which is more than its match. Of course this can only happen when the last ounce of resistance is abandoned, and the renunciation of revenge is complete. Then evil cannot find its mark, and it can breed no further evil, and is left barren."

By willing endurance we cause suffering to pass over our heads.

Suffering willingly endured is stronger than evil, stronger than the death of the evil person.

"There is no deed on earth so outrageous to justify a different attitude. The worse the evil, the readier must the Christian be to suffer; he must leave the evil person for Jesus to deal with, for that is no concern of his."

This is truth. I've experienced it. Thank you, LORD!

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