Over the years I've written on this blog that I need a right relationship with God and with myself. Being healthy is part of that for me and striking the right balance is a challenging thing for anyone I suppose, but especially for me.
I've adjusted my priorities and I'm getting some push back.
I work with a lot of needy people and at times it feels as if everyone in my life is needy. Elijah needs me. Andy needs me. The corps people need me. The youth need me. The employees need me. The problems and issues that need to be solved need me. The dog needs me. The housework needs me. The cooking needs me....and on and on it goes.
Many of these people (I call them "takers") believe they have the right to monopolize my time and my life. Too often I believe we in the Army allow people to do that to us. There is poor separation between our personal lives and the work of the Army. For some people that may work but I'm learning that I need my space for my health and for the well being of our family.
After some reflecting and a bit of a mental retreat from the things that drain my energy I have figured out what I NEED and am trying to live in balance with that.
I need time with my LORD. I need to tell others about Him.
I need time with Elijah and Andy that is NOT work related.
I need time to be healthy. To be in my home, to cook, to read and to exercise.
I need time to invest in others not because they simply need me but because it is simply satisfying to my soul.
If you figure out how you spend your time you can see what it is that you truly value. I am attempting to adjust my time so that what I truly care about is reflected by the time I spend.
Right now it's opening a Family Store...ugh...
Make no mistake--I'm still a workaholic and am figuring this all out but realizing that Bible Study has to happen every night for me as does quality time with Elijah and Andy. Exercise, whether at 5am or 9pm, is something that I need to do. I need time to take mental retreats from the pressure that presses against me from every angle, a lot of it self-inflicted. Thank you, Pinterest, for that. :)
"Come to me, all you who are weary, and I will give you rest..."
Well written and honest! Thanks for speaking out for all of us!
Hey friend!!
This is spot on!!! You are amazing... Praying for you as you work it all out
Love ya
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