Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cheering Me On

After gaining so much weight with pregnancy I've felt like it hasn't come off quickly enough. I am in my pre-pregnancy clothes, but still have some extra weight.

As a task/goal oriented person I decided to train for another half marathon after having the baby. I bought new running shoes and trained for the race that was in March. It felt good to get moving again.

Then I "over did" it or something like that and had to go to PT three times a week and not run for almost 10 weeks. I sold my bib and watched the race on the sidelines (literally since the race ran by my office). I was disappointed and the weight loss slowed down, but was still making progress. Just not fast enough for ME.

Since moving I've been cooking, eating well, buying organic and fresh stuff and loving it. 

I've been running three times a week. There is a great trail a half mile from where we live so it's great incentive to get up before the sun (especially since the sun is waking up later and later...) and watch the sun rise, take in the scenery, smell the countryside and let my soul breath a little bit.

After two weeks of not eating that great, but still running, I needed to get in gear so I ordered some much needed new running shoes and broke them in today.

On my home stretch of the run I look up to see Andy in uniform holding Elijah at the curb. Elijah was clapping for me!

I am a blessed woman. I love my husband. And my kid. Now I want to run a marathon--well, I think I'm over that but I am interested in a triathalon...

Who do you have cheering you on?

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