I haven't written in a few weeks not because I have been slacking off but because I have been busy!
I've been running: I ran a 5k to raise money for the police department through downtown with my father-in-law (Daddy Jim) this past Saturday. It was fun but he beat me! We are going to run a 10k in about a month.
I've been running: I've gotten up a few times a week WAY before the sun has come up to get my outside runs in. I usually run on the treadmill which is super boring and isn't very helpful when I have to run outside for races. Since we live in the ghetto I have to drive somewhere to park and then run. This takes time. Add to that the Atlanta morning traffic and being to the office before 8:30= EARLY MORNING RUNS. It's a discipline thing for me. It's all good.
I've been running: I am still strength training twice a week (my goal) but for my cardio warm-up I am running on the treadmill.
I've been spending time planning to run: I've lived in Atlanta over a year now but haven't had much time to orientate myself to the city so when I want to go on an early morning run before work and before the heat I need to spend some time researching not only where to run but where to park. It's been pretty labor intensive figuring out the mileage and all but I think I have a good list of places to run: Ponce/Freedom Park (has to be light out though); downtown Centennial Park; Piedmont Park; Oglethorpe University; Georgia Tech, etc. I have a parking place mapped out for each location.
I've been paying attention to portions: I've simply been cooking less for meals and Andy is into being healthy with me. It's great that we can do this together.
Staying active/motivated: Andy and I have been making more time for each other with doing some form of exercise. Andy has mainly been playing sports with friends (soccer, softball, etc) but has also come to the gym with me a few times (a miracle!). This is really helping to keep me motivated. I love him.
Prayer time: I have had amazing opportunities to pray with people who are struggling recently. Today I prayed with someone who is fighting a long-standing illness; a gentleman who is homeless and trying to get housing; and another man who is homeless who is trying to get into treatment. God is so good to me and continually brings people to me to minister to. I love my job.
I've got tons to write but I am so thankful right now. God is really blessing us. I really am enjoying the job change which is nice after a difficult past year and a really difficult spring.
So--off to running I go. I need to beat an card carrying AARP old man in a 10k pretty soon...
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