Friday, June 4, 2010

Almond Milk

A friend of mine drinks almond milk because, she says, it's healthy. I would buy soy milk until I ran into my hypothyroid issues and learned that I should avoid soy. I do drink regular lowfat milk, but I also like to try new things.

I bought almond milk today for the first time.

Since almonds are one of the best nuts that you can eat I believe that almond milk will be really good for you to drink provided that the milk actually has a good amount of almonds in it and not just sweeteners and additives.

I found this cute recipe to make almond milk at home. Maybe I'll try to make it some day.


Grind one-quarter cup of almonds in a coffee grinder (I don't drink coffee but I have something that would work).

Combine almonds with one cup of water and blend in a blender for two to three minutes.

Strain the liquid using a sieve, if you like.

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