Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Blood work results...

Almost two months ago now I found out that I have a thyroid issue, hypothyroidism. I have been consistently gaining weight, have been suffering from fatigue and a myriad of other smaller issues.

I went to see the doctor for a routine physical and the blood results came back that I have hypothyroidism.

Now I have to take a little pill in the morning for the rest of my life.

I am still learning about this medical issue and have read material about it, but I am still finding some of it to be confusing. Research contradicts itself with other research (what to eat, what helps hypothyroidism, etc).

I have been exercising and eating healthy yet I am still gaining weight. This past weekend I came to the realization that I have to buy bigger jeans.

It's all a bit depressing, but I am doing what I am supposed to do. I exercise, take my medicine, and eat well. What else can I do?

I go to see the doctor every three weeks to have my blood tested. This is all a process.

When I feel miserable I have to be reminded to be thankful for my overall good health, that it could be worse, and that I have a caring, supportive husband.

As with everything I ask the LORD to teach me in all of this. Recently he has been teaching my about my vanity--it's all meaningless.

Thank you, LORD for humbling me and teaching me. But why does society place such a value on appearance? I have been sensitive to this topic lately and am growing spiritually as a result.

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