Thursday, May 28, 2020


 Today our cadets are signing their covenants. This very special, holy day for them has me reflecting over the past eleven years and the journey it has been. I remember how sacred and special our covenant day was in New York, and part of me grieves that our cadets, while their experience today is special, has not been given the same thought, care, effort, and intention.

Sometimes I get it right.

Many times I get it wrong. Really wrong.

Right now I am struggling--perhaps more than I ever have--but I am not giving up hope that the God who sees me loves me. This I hold onto. Covenant. And I am very thankful.

I know God is real and He is active. I know He is revealing in me things about myself that are not surrendered and that are painful. I have some inner work to do.

Holiness is a choice. It is a choice one must choose every day as they journey on in relationship with God. When we neglect our own personal spiritual care, for whatever reason (I am great at justifying my lack of discipline), Satan can take root in our hearts. He knows are weaknesses and always goes for the jugular. What a creep.

Today I prayed for and encouraged the cadets with a verse from Galatians 2:20: "Sono stato crocifisso cone Cristo: non sono piĆ¹ io che vivo, ma Cristo vive in me! La vita che viva ora nella carne, la vivo nella fede nel Figlio di Dio il quale mi ha amato e ha dato se stesso per me."

May this be true in my life today and every day. A choice. Daily.