Saturday, December 17, 2011

A shot of love

Yesterday Elijah had his two month shots. The last time we went to the doctor he had to receive a shot and it about nearly killed me. This time I wasn't going alone--Andy was going to come for reinforcements.

Why do the needles have to be so big when the baby is so small? Apparently they don't make baby sized needles--pain does not discriminate.

The sharp metal point on the needles were so long. The nurse brought them in all lined up on a metal platter with a bunch of band-aids all ready to go.

I thought I knew what to expect. When she was getting ready I was holding E's hands and looking into his eyes--he was so innocent and had no idea what was about to happen to him! Andy says, "where do you want me to be?" I told him just to stand next to me and rub my back or something.

This was more traumatic for me than for the baby.

Upon entrance of the first needle (immediately!) Elijah let out a screeching scream that I hope I never hear again. It made me cry. Each needle had another loud scream but nothing like the first one.

When she was finished I picked him up and held him so close and so tight I was afraid he couldn't breath. The rest of the day he slept against my chest only waking up to scream some more. Poor kid.

I was thinking yesterday about how I wish I could have taken those needles for him. It was painful to watch it happen and although I'm told that it is good for him, I still do not like it.

It makes me think about how much God loves us. He sent his son, his only son, to experience pain. He allowed it to happen. He watched it.

He did it for you. He did it for me.

That's a real shot of love.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Five B's

This was written by a mentor of mine in New York. I miss his teaching. 

The Five B's: Empowering a Salvationist Vital Soldiership by Captain Young Sung Kim

1. Bible- "homo unius libri," "Sanctify them by the truth; your Word is truth" (John 17:17).
2. Book- "A leader is a reader"
3. Booths- holiness theology; Wesleyan-Arminian heritage; women's ministry; aggressive evangelism
4. Bench- prayer life/spirituality
5. Boots- social holiness and personal holiness

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Decisions and balance in motherhood

Balancing everything in my life seems to be a constant struggle. While I'm not back at work as of yet, I find myself agonizing over how I'm going to manage work, the baby, and Andy (who has a very demanding schedule)--all things I am committed to and love dearly. Specifically, Andy has been assigned to a place for the Christmas season that isn't close to home. He'll have an apartment up there so we won't see him much for about six weeks.

In addition to all of that I am learning that I really need "me" time. I feel kind of selfish about it, but I am much better for Andy and Elijah if I've had some time to myself. This blog is an example of "me" time but the larger example is finding time to exercise. I can't do much exercise yet, but walking is something that I love to do (until I can run again!) and fitting it into the schedule is difficult. I've only been able to walk one night this week so far.

I'm learning that I'm an over protective mother. I google just about everything (Andy says Mr. Google is raising our son) to find out what I should do or what that mark is on his skin, etc. I read several books before we had the baby but I feel that I need more information. After all, he's our only kid and I want to be a good mom. I love him too much to plead ignorance.

A decision we are contemplating right now is the pacifier vs. finger situation with the baby. What's bothering me the most is whether or not to use the pacifier (soother as our friends say) or not? What about thumb sucking? Andy thinks it's cute but I'm undecided. Also, we've been letting him suck on our fingers to soothe himself but that is not a viable solution long term. I'm sure we'll look back at this time and laugh about how silly this seems but this is where we are right now.

Balancing is all about decisions. We make decisions every day about what to eat, how to spend our time, how to treat ourselves, how to treat the people around us and whether or not we will spend quiet time with the LORD.  I want a good balance in my life. Finding it is an art.

LORD--as usual I need YOU. Help me balance with consistency all of these things competing for attention in my life. Help me to recognize that I need you primarily and to trust that you will take care of everything else.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Forsaking All Presence Imposters

Over a year ago I bought a devotional series that I just started reading this past week (slowly, but reading none the less). I've tried to make the commitment again that I'm not going to buy more books are put more on the Kindle until I read what I already have. Since I'm home full-time with the baby right now it's a great time to use what I already have. It's also a great time to evaluate my spiritual walk without the distraction of my workaholicness.

A section in the book talks about belonging completely to God by forsaking all others. In the section about presence imposters it felt like the book was speaking to me.

A riveting quote:
I've come to learn that the things of God do not necessarily equate to God Himself. Service and Bible study do not always translate into intimate time spent with Him. In our humanness, we are perfectly capable of doing good works and studying our Bibles completely separate from the LORD. Sometimes we think we are experiencing God Himself, when what we've done is settled for an imposter.

When we have an intimate relationship with someone we develop that relationship in private yet with God we think we can develop our "intimate" relationship with him in public. It doesn't work that way. We need to, I need to, pursue His presence.

It's easy for me in ministry to meet with God to help further what is going on in ministry as a substitute for pursuing Him. I get so caught up in getting caught up that I sometimes neglect that precious time that I need with Him.

Doing the things of God in place of spending time with God Himself lead to burnout. So many that I know personally are already there. LORD, please protect me. I want intimate time with YOU!

Another quote:
We can get caught in a performance trap, feeling as though we must prove our love for God by doing great things for him. So we...implement great ministries and wonderful projects, all in an effort to spread the good news...While the world applauds achievement, God desires companionship. The world clamors, "Do more! Be all that you can be!" But our Father whispers, "Be still and know that I am God." He isn't looking as much for workers as he is looking for sons and daughters--a people to pour his life into...Frustrated and weary, we can nearly break under the pressure of service, for there is always something that needs to be done.



Born October 14th, 7lbs, 6oz, 21"

He's a keeper. We love him.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Andy is great.

The good news is that our baby is here--perfectly beautiful and healthy.  We are those new parents who take pictures every minute it seems like--well, at least Grandma is taking pictures every minute. :-) I'll put some up when I have some time...

I labored for 50 hours. I am thankful that it's over.

Andy is truly great. Over the past week I've learned how blessed I am to have him. He has been completely supportive, helpful, and loving. He is great with the baby--very hands on--and is great with me. He has been taking care of the both of us. I've realized how well we work together as a team and how much I simply love him. We are a happy family, albeit exhausted with a newborn, but happy.

Other than changing diapers, feeding him every 2-3 hours, and trying to rest there isn't much else going on.

Mommyhood so far is good.

Yay for love.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A lesson in trust

Our lives are about to change drastically as we bring our little boy home to love, to care for, and to raise. We admittedly are clueless about this new journey but we trust in the LORD and are excited. I've done some reflecting lately (and haven't blogged about it as much of it is just too personal) and am realizing that God really is faithful. He's been so good to me.

We've had a healthy pregnancy for the most part. We were blessed to conceive when we wanted to (according to "our plan") and nearly everything has progressed along as "we" wanted. I've been feeling good, although I have gained way too much weight...which I am determined will come off. We were planning on a natural labor and delivery method and have studied the Bradley method--again according to "our plan." Every week the doctor says the same thing: "he's the perfect size, everything looks great" and after my 30 seconds with the doctor I'm out of the office on my way back to work.

That is...until this past week when a few things were not as expected. I sat in the doctor's office shocked and confused, wishing that Andy were with me. My thyroid level is too high. We've been monitoring it the entire pregnancy but the last blood (TSH) test shows that it's high. It could be worse, but it's still high. I have another complication that will require medication during labor and delivery AND the doctor is concerned that the baby is large (what happened to the perfect size all these weeks?). He then "told" me the plans of my induction and gave me a sheet of medications that I'll have to take in the hospital with a list of what was going to happen to me, etc, etc, and the birth of our baby was assigned a date.

Suffice it is to say, I'm not pleased. At all. Now I feel like "our plan" of a natural birth is out the window and we are stuck relying on the doctor's plan. We talked about getting a second opinion but I'm already full term and don't want to put Elijah's health in jeopardy. I had a conversation with the LORD and I feel that He's asking me if I truly trust Him. The simple answer is that of course I do--at least I have with other events that have happened over the past year--but do I fully trust Him with this?
"Those who know your name will trust in you. For you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you." Ps 9:10
Did I mention that we are naming our son Elijah? He was a man who knew what it meant to trust in the LORD. What a great reminder for me. Will you trust in the LORD and allow Him to take care of you?
"I will put my trust in Him" Heb 2:13

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Ordained Encounters

I've been going to the same place to get my hair done for two years (I have a lot of gray hair for my age...).

I desperately needed to get my hair done and so I scheduled an appointment and took the slot that was available. As a result I had a young lady tend to my hair that I've never met before.

We got to talking and she revealed to me that she used to be a stripper. We started talking about it and when she was 18 she met a guy who was 28 who got her to try it out. They went to a club and she made $1200 on the day time shift her first day. She was hooked.

She says she was really into the "glamor" of the whole thing and the cash was great. After about four years she says she's what's called a "has been"... time to find something else to do. When the economy got really rough the men wanted more for their money and it made her uncomfortable so she eventually got out and went back to school.

I told her that I was a Christian and she was confused. She said that I was listening to her and wasn't judging her like other Christians have done to her--that I wasn't shocked to find out about her past. Ouch.

I think Jesus would have listened to her story and wouldn't have been afraid of what she was saying. Why are we so often afraid to engage? I try to carry on conversation with cashiers all the time and I really try to remember the names of the employees in the places that I shop consistently--badge or no badge.

She was such a nice young lady. I plan on going back to see her again.

I'm thankful for the people that God puts in our path and for the ordained encounters that he gives us. We just need to realize them and do something with them. What will you do?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Boat neck baby sweater

This was my first attempt at a sweater. I decided that I didn't like the sleeves the first time through so I knit them again. I need some help with knitting seams. I suppose with practice I'll get better.

I hope it fits Elijah some day...with my luck it will fit in the dead of summer!

Vacation Happiness :-)

We rented a cabin in the mountains for some relaxing and quality time with one another. I loved doing my devotions on the porch while sitting in the rocker and coming back later in the day to knit with Andy in the chair beside me. It was delightful. We saw some beautiful things that made us really appreciate God's beautiful creation.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Do For One

I subscribe to the Andy Stanley leadership podcast that comes out about once a month.

A few months ago the podcast was called "Do For One" and the premise is that you can't spend all your time with everyone in ministry so do for you what you wish you could do for all.

Andy and I have been trying to put this into practice as we are walking through discipleship with a few people.

A 14 year old teenager came to stay with us for a week this past week. Shy has a really hard home life and doesn't really have any concept of what the future is going to be for her. She's a good, smart girl, but needs some direction. We've been loving on her for about a year and a half now and it's a blessing to be a part of her life and to watch her grow spiritually.

She spent most of the week with me in the office helping out, which she says she enjoyed, and then after work I would take her around to experience Atlanta. I think it was good for her to see that people get up for work every morning and do something. She was also involved in the church services during the week and helped me put the mid-week service together. At home she sits around the house and cares for her eight (!) younger siblings. Another baby is due in November...

On Friday night we made chocolate chip cookies from scratch. It was her first time reading a recipe and it was fun teaching her fractions with the measuring cups. The cookies came out good and it was a blessed time.

I tucked her in every night and prayed with her. Something she's never had before. It was simple and nice.

We had a few good, deep conversations during the week about her testimony (she struggles with sharing it) and about her future. She isn't used to having people care about what she thinks and having attention. We walked to the chapel here on campus and I spent a good amount of time praying with her. The tears flowed and I told her that she was loved and that God has a plan and a purpose for her life.

We also spoiled her...but what would you expect?

God's love is like that. Simple yet so desperately needed. We are both thankful that we can love on people, even if it is just one at a time.

Will you do for one what you wish you could do for all?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I've been filling in teaching the Commissioner's Bible class for the past few weeks and have been thoroughly enjoying it.

Last night, with excellent discussion, I made some notes on the dry erase board.

This morning when I came into work I attempted to clean the board only the markings wouldn't budge. And then it hit me.....I USED A PERMANENT MARKER!!! Sure enough I went and grabbed the marker I used last night and it was a permanent red marker. The casing of the marker (made by Pentel) is EXACTLY the same as the dry erase board markers that I have. I am that fool that used the permanent marker on a dry erase board.

Thanks to google I quickly learned that if you trace over the permanent marker with the correct dry erase marker it all comes off the board. Shytacia is doing that as we speak and I am THANKFUL. (Did I mention it's a really nice dry erase board, two-sided, on wheels, that I borrowed from the clinic here in the building?).

What a perfect opportunity for an object lesson...sometimes we think our sin is permanent, but Jesus can erase it away!

John 1:29
The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!

Friday, July 15, 2011

My average day at work

This morning I had a morning meeting and devotions with our 133 men plus some employees at 7:00am.

From there it was on to the dock at the warehouse...time to make the men work!

After that I went to sit in the air condition in our dispatch/phone room to take a short break when a man asked me a deep theological question about baptism. This led into a discussion with many questions directed at me. Good thing Captain Kim said in training, "We are all theologians."

Then back out to the disciplining a few listening to a man who is struggling with his reviewing our program for Sunday's tracking down a few men who missed class last night...etc, etc.

All day I went back and forth from the "practical" ministry to the more "priestly" or "ministerial" tasks of my responsibilities.

This is my calling. I love it. Social gospel. Kingdom-honoring. Making a difference one man at a time--in the trenches.

A good, hard day.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Today was a good day. I worked very hard and am extremely tired, but I'm happy. God is so good and I am appreciating how blessed I am.

I've been in what Andy is calling a "nesting" mood lately. I'm knitting our baby a sweater and blanket (pictures to follow), have been on a cooking/baking spree, and have decided to re-decorate our apartment. I bought a few things to decorate the baby's room and have rearranged pictures everywhere else.

We went on a date on Saturday night to see a movie. I'm not a big movie theater fan but it was exactly what I needed. I ate way too much popcorn, but we had an enjoyable time. I love him.

We had some friends over for a cookout on the 4th of July followed by fireworks at my office. The building is a great location to watch the main fireworks in downtown Atlanta. It was a nice, relaxed time. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Oh yeah, I cooked and baked for that, too!

Andy came to help me with mid-week chapel tonight at the Center. We sang several praise and worship songs and had an extended prayer time. It was such a blessing to hear several of the men just open their hearts and pray. It's amazing to me how God can use and work through anyone--anyone. We had drug dealers, drug addicts, ex-convicts, pimps, and otherwise shady characters BEFORE grace pouring their hearts out to God. I love it. He is STILL redeeming people.

Anyway--I'm blessed and so thankful.

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Radical Disciple: some neglected aspects of our calling

"We are neither to seek to preserve our holiness by escaping from the world nor to sacrifice our holiness by conforming to the world."

John Stott is one of my favorite Christian authors. The amount of wisdom that simply permeates the pages of his books continues to convict and encourage me.

I'm reading his latest (and probably last) book The Radical Disciple. While nothing so far has been new to hear, it's serving as a good reflection point for me to evaluate who I am in Christ.

These are the characteristics of radical disciples:

1. Nonconformity--escapism and conformism to the world are both forbidden.

2. Pluralism--can be done, but only with affirming the UNIQUENESS and FINALITY of Christ.

3. Materialism--the Church is too captivated with this secular trend; a preoccupation with material things can smother the spiritual life (Phil 4:11; 1 Tim 6:6; Job 1:21).

4. Ethical Relativism--this has permeated the Church with slipping moral standards (cohabitation, sex outside of marriage, etc). Are there any absolutes left?=causes confusion both inside and outside the Church. ONLY absolute is that JESUS IS LORD--this must remain our basis.

"We are not to be completely rigid in decision making but to seek sensitively to apply biblical principles in each situation."

5. Narcissism--this excessive, unbounded admiration of "self" is a result of the New Age movement which teaches that the solution to our problems is within, rather than with Jesus. This permeates the Church, too. Self-love is one of the signs of the last days? 2 Tim 3:2

A lot to reflect about...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Enemy's Camp

Well, I went to the enemy's camp and
I took back what he stole from me (x3)
I went to the enemy's camp and
I took back what he stole from me

You know
He's under my feet (x6)
Satan is under my feet

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How should you feel?

I had two distinct things happen to me today where I decided to do the "right thing." These were both big decisions, one more so than the other.

After the second decision I said to Andy that I should feel better for doing the right thing, but I didn't. He wanted to know why I felt that doing the right thing was equated with feeling better about the situation.

The answer is that I don't know. I just think that doing the right thing should make you feel better but the more I reflect about it I don't think it does.

I guess it's just one of those things. I am glad that I did the right thing, though.

How does doing the right thing make you feel?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

What's the meaning of life?

I had the privilege to preach to my people this morning and I asked them very clearly what their purpose in life is. Some of them are seeking and are trying to live the life that God wants for them while others are merely pretending. In such a spiritually tense environment we prayed for protection, for deliverance, and for a blessing from the LORD. He did all of those plus more. We were blessed from the beginning to the end of the service.

We've been really blessed this past week. I spent some time in great conversation around the dinner table with men who are growing in their recovery, in their character, and in their relationship with God. The conversation reinvigorated and encouraged me.

In Bible class on Monday night we didn't follow the lesson plan but instead had a heart-to-heart about what a relationship with God looks like. The 20 of us had a great discussion for the hour as I answered questions about the Bible and Jesus and listened to their feedback. It was a really blessed time. I couldn't wait to get home to tell Andy all about it but was a few minutes later getting home because the class went past the normal time.

This past Friday night we had a special group come and sing for our 133 men in addition to visitors. It was a great time. The Spirit sat so heavily on the chapel that we did two altar calls. Can you remember the last time you were in a meeting and the leader felt led to have a second altar call after the first one was finished? It was one of those times when the meeting did end the men just kind of sat there and didn't want to move. They were still basking in God's presence. What a blessing!

I prayed that night for some men, for myself, and to just worship. As I did I began to reallypray which was such a blessing for me. Anyone who knows me knows that when I truly pray I cry. I can't help it. It's just how it comes from my heart. I haven't cried while I've prayed for the past couple of months but I did that night and it was so refreshing.

We've had some difficult situations this past week, too. One of our trucks was in an accident, another man was injured and rushed to the hospital on the job, one man disappeared from work, etc, etc. While it's been difficult I've been encouraged. God is doing great things among us and as a result Satan is pushing harder but we persevere and claim the great promises of God.

I don't know what the meaning of life is for you, but I've find my purpose and got to live it out this past week. Thank you, LORD!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

life moves too fast...

I don't know why but it's always amazing me how much life just keeps moving. Sometimes I just want to stand still and soak it all in. I spoke with a friend in Delaware today to wish him a happy birthday. We both agreed that life is moving too fast but neither of us could come up with a solution to slow it down--only to try and enjoy it.

Why does life have to move so fast? When I was younger I thought that life couldn't move fast enough...I wanted to move out, wanted to finish college, wanted to get married... and now that I have all that I want to slow down long enough to enjoy it.

In ministry I feel like I don't get to enjoy "my" people long enough. Every few months I'm tossed into a new full-time ministry (four places in two years) and with each I have a new group of people to build relationships with and to love...not a lot of time to stop and enjoy being with them it feels like...just time enough to enjoy being with them and reflect about them and miss them some time later on down the road.

The past few months have seen lots of changes in my personal growth and character. I dealt with a very difficult situation at work and it knocked me off my feet for a while. For about a month I simply existed. I didn't enjoy anything...simply went to work and came home and vegged out. I'm glad that's taken its course. Andy was super supportive and loving during the whole fiasco. I love him. I didn't blog during the whole time because I just didn't have anything to say.

Little did I know then was that I was so tired because I was PREGNANT! We are expecting our first child in mid-October (yay!). We are very excited (and I must admit--I'm a bit anxious, too). This all just goes to show that life keeps changing and moving SO fast.

We need to take time to figure out who we are and why we are. I know that I am a chosen child of God, called to a very specific ministry and committed to it more today than yesterday. I know that I love my husband and that outside of my personal relationship with God he is the stabilizer in my constantly changing world. I know that life isn't going to slow down just for me (although sometimes I do tend to think the world revolves around me :-) ) so I need to learn to enjoy what I have and how to cope with the never-ending change.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Growing church leaders

Gordon MacDonald was at our church this weekend and led us in a journey about the rapidly changing world in which we live.

Many of the things he said were truly profound. Each lecture session was followed with small group discussion time. There was a lot of healthy discussion among church members and overall I am encouraged by the weekend.

Our church has short tenure for its pastors. Dr. MacDonald says that a church will never really be able to grow with such short tenure (he says that you need at least five years). What he suggests instead is an intense discipleship model.

While he was pastor at Grace Chapel (the first time) he held a three hour meal and meeting at his house every Monday night with about 12-15 people. He made them commit to meeting together, no matter what, for about a year. At the end of the year that many leaders were trained to help grow the church and lead the church in spiritual vitality.

I listened to a leadership podcast recently where the pastor being interviewed said that he keeps a list on a 3x5 index card with the names of who he sees as future leaders. He then invests a majority of his time in them.

The concept is to invest in a small group of people and train them to lead the future of the church so that it can carry on without the pastor.

That's what Jesus did. It must be a good model.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

So, now what do we do?

I've been avoiding the topic of health and wellness because I haven't felt motivated to exercise consistently lately. Usually I run or exercise to think. Lately I've been thinking a lot--just not exercising along with it.

Charity or social change: is charity wasting my time? When is social change in progress and achieved?

We had a group of young adults from other states come and visit the homeless guys under the bridges we minister to. I went around to all of the bridges yesterday to check on the guys (we've had bad weather lately) and to let them know that I'd be back around tomorrow with some visitors. We took them some food and did an assessment to see what they needed (firewood, more blankets, dry socks, etc).

We noticed that at least a few people were sleeping up against the church building where it's covered during the snow and ice this past week. These are new guys. Anyone who's been around for a little bit knows that under the bridge is warmer but sleeping against the building is safer.

We tried to get permission to open our gym as an emergency cold shelter in the early winter but were denied permission to do so. Dekalb county doesn't have ANY emergency shelters...this is a sore subject and a soap box so I need to stop before I begin. Even still, is opening the gym for a few nights charity or social change?

I love the guys dearly. I really do. I enjoy sitting with them, praying with them and telling them that they need to stop drinking. I ask hard questions and kneel with them at the altar when they come to church. It is certainly one of my favorite parts of ministry right now.

I am asking myself where the boundary lies between enabling them to be homeless and truly "helping" them (and who gets to define what true "help" is?). To those of us who are not homeless we think that they should want to stay in a shelter but most of them don't. We are able to help those who want to get off the street and want some help. The rest we feed, cloth, and love.

If they do want to stay in a shelter, and we can get them into one (Atlanta is notorious for not having nearly enough shelter for the amount of homeless the city has) they still need id, transportation to and from, and a place to go all day when they aren't allowed to be in the shelter. We can get them shelter for a night or two but then what? It's just two days later and nothing has changed.

Some guys have been under those bridges for 15 years or more. They are war vets, have disabilities and an array of other backgrounds. One guy is a love child from the Vietnam war. His dad was a soldier and his mom was Vietnamese. He was sent here to live with his father in 1984 and it didn't work out.

Some guys work full-time executive jobs and wear suits everyday. Other guys live in their cars and are estranged from loved ones--too embarrassed to let family know they need help.

We do have some success stories and praise God for Walker still being clean and sober and moving into his own apartment....for William reuniting with his wife....for Paul moving back home with family and being sober...for salvation for several...

I say often that I am not interested in charity but instead am interested in social change. Is loving these guys into the Kingdom really social change or is it just masking mere charity work? Was Jesus about charity or about social change? It's comforting for me to think that Jesus would be sitting under a smelly, dirty bridge chatting with the some men, but would he? He probably would be down at the creek under the bridge performing some miraculous sign and speaking to them in parables. Many of them need to be healed (in many ways) so maybe he would have walked around the neighborhood healing their infirmities. We always hold hands and pray in a circle when I go to visit and I always pray for the taste of alcohol to be taken away from them. Is that really social change? It's certainly relationship building, discipleship and love--but is it social change?

I'm stuck pondering what we should do. We really do what Matthew 25 instructs us to do but is it enough? What about radical change like it talks about in Luke 4, quoting Isaiah, "The Spirit of the LORD is upon me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor." Both passages talk about meeting every human need and we aim to do just that. We teach, preach, and visit in Dekalb County jail. We visit in the hospital, get them where they need to go, advocate for them, etc, etc. Is doing this social change?

Sometimes I guess I just feel stuck. My husband calls it my holy discontent. I want to do more but I don't know how or what to do. LORD, help me!

While a few homeless guys and I were waiting for the visiting group to arrive today it was pointed out to me that people were living on the church property. Now this isn't the first time. We had to ask everyone who was living in tent city on the church property to leave back in the summer because they were unruly. One time several church members saw a few guys sitting on the grass on lawn chairs drinking at 9:30 in the morning and making a mess while they were coming to Sunday school.

Today I visited a man's home. Right on the church property. He was out so we were intruding. He has basically two rooms set up. Everything is covered and shaded from the elements. One room has a full sized bed in it with all the fixings and the other room has a couch, two chairs and some other things. He has clothes placed neatly around and has a collection of little girl shoes, clothes and toys. I'm certain that most, if not all, of this stuff was lifted from our donation bin (I saw two of my things that I put in the bin). The ground is covered quite nicely with a large area rug. That small, tiny spot has become his home.

Now what do I do? He isn't disturbing anyone. He's a HUGE liability. He feels safe being so close to us (as I was later told). What he's doing is illegal--but so is him being in this country. He comes to our church. He works during the day. Is leaving him there charity, social change, or maintaining the status quo? Or is it something else entirely? What would Jesus do?

Call it holy discontent. Call it naivety. Call it passion. Call it whatever you want but what do we do? As God's people do we sit by and watch? Do we comfort ourselves by carrying out charity work and maintaining the status quo? Do we usher in social change?

LORD, I'm searching for answers and for YOUR vision. What would you do?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gang prevention

Police say over 50 gangs run the streets of Atlanta according to the AJC. The police department quadrupled their gang police force in 2009.

The National Youth Gang Center in partnership with the OJJP says that gangs are increasing.

No two gangs are alike.

Gangs are a few people who form an allegiance (intent to be part of the group) based on various social needs. They engage in acts that go against public morals(not just limited to crime). The allegiance is formed through association in the gang.

Majority of growth in gangs is not hierarchical. The ones that are growing are structured informally. Leaders change rapidly. There is not always a clear direction on rules, regulations, or how things are structured. They are hard to figure out because they are a moving target. They don't all have a larger business goal (making money).

Kids are just trying to find an identity and are finding it in gangs. Jesus Christ has an identity for them. Are we expressing that to them clearly?

What are the needs of the kids? Are we meeting their needs? Do we have options for them--something for them to get involved in? It's been said that we can't start with their needs. We need to begin with their interests. What are their interests?

You have to figure out what's going on in your community... Need to assess, but how?

Communities don't like to admit that they have gangs...stigma

They join before high school. Gangs meet the social needs of the youth because the Church DOES NOT.

Kids who join don't have adult supports in their life, have self-esteem issues(need to find an identity), live in a certain geographical community, and have financial issues. THESE ARE ALL MY KIDS!

We need something to grab their attention. Otherwise the street will and will grab them in and keep them. We'll never get them back. What do we have to offer to grab their attention before the street does and we lose them forever?

In researching about this I listened to a Salvation Army podcast about gang prevention. Over and over again the speaker on the podcast kept saying, "You don't know what you don't know that you don't know." It's so true.

Prevention is easier than intervention. And cheaper.

Kids are about being like each other and not like us. We tell them to look and act like us. No wonder it doesn't work.

Gangs are a game of push around. Chase them out of one neighborhood they go to another neighborhood. Once they get kicked out they come back to your community and pick up where they left off.

We need to prevent kids from being able to walk down this path. We need intervention strategies. If we don't have it the only ones who will catch it will be the police (maybe). Kids don't know what they're getting into until they are stuck. They have no other options if they can/want to get out. What do we have to offer them?

They aren't just in poor neighborhoods... Middle class and suburban, too.

Kids need something to belong to. Do we, as the Church, have something for them to belong to?

One of our kids came to us months ago about the pressure he was feeling to join a gang. His family struggles financially and the gang told him that if he loved his mom and was a good son that he would join the gang--they would make sure mom had money for rent and the bills. So we went to his school (he's a freshman in high school) and had lunch with him (building a relationship). We made him feel special because he is. He likes to draw so we got him some supplies. He sold the drawing stuff at school. We gave him an mp3 player for Christmas. He hasn't sold it yet because I promised him that I would help him load music on it because he doesn't have a computer at home (we should have thought that one through a little bit).

He showed up in my office after church on Sunday to talk. He said he joined the gang but was now out of the gang--but was still wearing his blue shoes to support "his gang." He's a great kid with great potential. He just happens to be in a really sad situation.

What do I do? What would you do?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Who Stole My Church? by Gordon MacDonald

Gordon MacDonald is coming to my church in a few weeks to lead a weekend retreat. I'm really looking forward to it.

In preparation for the weekend we've been asked to read one of his books, Who Stole My Church?

The book is written from the perspective of the author as he pastors a fictional church. A group of disgruntled members get together to discuss change in the church after a negative church meeting about upgrading some equipment. By the end of the book everyone, or just about everyone, gets along and is more accepting of change.

The book tackles the issues that we all know about but rarely speak about. It spends a lot of time talking about the worship wars and about how older people can relate to younger people in the church.

A group at my church met together to prepare for the weekend. We are going to have small group break out sessions when Dr.MacDonald is here led by older adults and younger adults. There was some really healthy discussion after the meeting and I realized that we were our own discovery group, just like in the book. It was encouraging.

The rest of the week there were conversations with employees, older church members, and other young adults about topics that the book covers. I felt like I was a character in the book all week.

I realized that change is all around us. Either we are going to accept it and pray for guidance to do the right thing with change, or we are going to resist it for our own comfort.

In the history of the Church the only thing that has remained constant is the Gospel. If that's our focus God will honor it.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Choosing to Cheat

I'm a workaholic.

Which means I'm not home a lot.

My loving husband and I discuss my time spent at work all the time. I love work so I don't mind being there. The problem is I also loving being at home but how I schedule my time says otherwise. I've been getting better but there is still room for improvement.

It's time for a change...

I've been reading "Choosing to Cheat" by Andy Stanley on my Kindle. Andy (my husband) had me listen to the Stanley leadership podcast on the same issue about a month ago and downloaded the book for my Kindle.

The book isn't the greatest in the world but it does have some great advice. The premise is that if you work too much you are cheating at home and vice versa.

The author gives the metaphor of a couple having a rock. The load of the rock is bearable if both people are helping to hold it. What happens is that when one person chooses to work too much (cheating at home) the other person is left holding the rock. They can hold the rock for a while but then it becomes heavy and eventually is dropped. The idea is to share the weight of the rock (i.e. balance). It's a good metaphor.

The book certainly provides some good things to think about. It's Andy Stanley's least popular and worst selling book ever. The topic is a good one, but a difficult one.

Do you choose to cheat?